Friday, January 1, 2010


This is the blog site for Spring, 2010 Individual Assessment Class at Argosy University. On this site students are expected to search out in the media a relevant issue, provide a link, and then comment on the issue/story that they found. The expectation is that the other students in class will comment on at least two postings each week. I have given you an example in the first posting below.


  1. One of the former CNN contributors has written a book based on his suicidal ideation. (see link)

    He found that writing about his suicidal ideation was therapeutic and he did not seek professional help. His concept is to see each day as his last. While it may be helpful to people, as in most self-help books, the answers are too simplistic. For some people, such as those with a clinical depression, when this simplistic approach doesn't work, are they going to be even more depressed?

  2. Dr. Lehman,
    I completely agree with you about how his concept of "seeing each day as his last" may have helped him, but it may not be feasible for the majority of those who deal with depression. It seems like he is just saying that a "switch" can be turned off and then the disorder is fixed. To me, it seems to be underestimating the severity of this disorder. I do think that a lot of people will have the expectation of being cured after reading this book, and if they do not receive those outcomes, then it could lead to further depression.

  3. I found an article on CNN about states possibly amending the law concerning the age a teen can be tried as an adult after committing an adult crime. Here's the link:

    It stated that teen research has not been done until the recent decade. What?! Why is that? It has been shown that adult minds differ from teenage minds, and to that I say: Isn't that obvious? When you compare the actions and decisions of a teenager to an adult, wouldn't it stand to reason that the motivations and thought processes differ?
    I think the age should be set at 18 for all states, since that is when a teen is legally considered an adult. If it's true that the juvenile system has more access to rehabilitation programs and the like, wouldn't that be the ideal place for someone who is still developing mentally and emotionally, to help them continue to grow but in a healthy manner?

  4. @Dr. Lehman: I can definitely see where this simplistic approach might cause someone to fall into a deeper depression! If a person is in a major depression and is already overwhelmed, he or she might feel like a failure for not being successful with this approach. This would then cause further and deeper depression. I guess I firmly believe in the biopsychosocial model because I believe the best treatment method is to medicate so the person can then level out to a mental state where he or she can change faulty cognitive thinking and/or living situations that are contributing to the issues.

    I've not read the book but I would guess it is better suited for someone who is not suffering from a major depressive disorder, rather a temporary "blue" period.

    @Adrianna: What an interesting article and subject matter! I'm not sure if your question was rhetorical or not, but in answering why there is a lack of juvenile research, I believe it is a matter of ethics. Since you'd have to have a control subject as well as an experimental one, the IRB wouldn't approve of letting juveniles go without treatment if it could help them (in an experimental study). I agree however, that this information is valuable and much needed.

    I also agree with your observations about the difference in teen minds vs. adults. I think this is an incredibly valid point that needs to be carefully looked at. The frontal area of the brain doesn't fully develop until the early 30s!! I think this is why the crime bell curve appears as it does with criminal behavior leveling down around that time.

    I also agree with your observations about the juveniles and the age for considering adulthood. I see where 18 is logical to choose for consideration as an adult, but I think 21 would be even better!

  5. Hello Dr.Lehman, and class. I found an article about a Forensic Physchologist Dr.Denkowski,in Texas who scewed data that would determine if a prisonor should be sentenced to the death penalty.See links below

    George Denkowski skewed the administration and interpretation of test data to rule out mental retardation,he made "administration, scoring and mathematical errors" in three death penalty evaluations. The article states that his results always ruled in the favor of the prosecutors. Dr.Denkowski clearly broke ethical rules under the APA and did not investigate the all the information that was giving to him by the prosecutors. No doubt these men were guilty, but not enough to put them to death. What does it say about our legal system in Texas when one man can legally kill someone with the stoke of a pen.

  6. Dr.Lehman I read the article about Mr.Moret and while it is true that everybody has those suicidal thats most poeple don't over come them when they get a job. This "self help" book could end up in the hands of someone that needs more then just to say "What if I was not here tomorrow" That is the problem for them, they don't see a future in having a tomorrow! His bout with depression was easy to fix, sale your house and get something cheaper.. I hope he does not lose this job to.. but if so he will get to see if he book really does work.

  7. Hi All... and Dr. Lehmann, I read the article by the CNN Contributor and believe that living each day as if it were your last day is something that worked for the writer in his suicidal state of mind. For a depressed person to consider this suggestion, will put on the pressure of resolving issues, reconciliation, etc. The added pressure may not be healthy or a cure for the depression. The pressure may get the depression off the person's mind, but I doubt cure it. People suffering of depression need more than reading a self-help book.

  8. Dr. Lehman,

    I read the CNN article that you posted and it's a nice thought to think that after having suicidal thoughts one day, this man could just sit down and work out his problems himself by writing a book. If it was only that simple for everyone, we would all be in a great place! While his story is inspirational, I think it could give other people false hope after they read his story but they don't see the same results. I am sure it could lead a person further into depression in that sense. Most people who are depressed probably wouldn't have the same motivation and determination to simply just "fix" themselves and start looking at the world in a different light. I don't think are truely any "quick fixes" out there when dealing with depression or any other mental health disorder. Although, it's nice to know that this method worked well for the guy in the article.

  9. I found this article about how psychologists are seeing more people coming to them about the problems of going green in relationships. see link

    I think it is interesting that we are now hearing about a rise in therapy for couples where one partner is nagging the other because they are not green enough. In addition, problems couples are having that deal on moral ground, which is tied into environmentalism. Also that there is now a market to have a practice that mostly focus on environmental issues.

  10. I agree with Adrianna that a person should be considered an adult at the age of 18. I believe any one under 18 should stay in the juvenile system becasue there is more help and that there needs to be a clear line between junvile and adult court sytems, which are being blurred in today's world. In addition, childern are considered adults at 18 by law. The reason is that at 18 you join the army sign contracts that do not require you parent or legal guardian.

    In response to Tacherrie's article I believe that any one considered for the death penality thier case needs to handled with a lot of scrutiny because the government is dealing with a human life. Also I believed that the DA should have at one other psychologist to evaluate the defendent in a death penalty case so that there would a less likely chance of bias and that other psychologist should be independent from the DA's office. In addition,Dr. Denkowski should have been more closely govern since he was being paid a lot of money and deciding the whether the defendent is mentally retard and if they are not the state can give them the death penality.

  11. I found an interesting article to share:,2933,583018,00.html?sPage=fnc/us/crime

    There are so many interesting points in this article!

    The subject is a 10 year old boy who has been ordered to a treatment facility for killing his father's friend. He entered a plea deal for this crime but he also killed his own father. The charges related to his own father were dropped as part of the plea bargain!

    He is said to be incompetent to stand trial. Abuse allegations were mentioned. He was living with his father at the time of the crime.

    He will undergo psychological evaluations at 12, 15, and 17 years old.

    I can't help but question if a child this young who commits this type of murder will ever be psychologically balanced. I haven't followed this story and do not know the details surrounding it all. I wonder how the victim's family feels about the agreement. I also wonder, as a parent or family member, if I'd ever feel comfortable around the child.

  12. Hi ALL! I read recently about people that were driven to follow self-help guru-James Arthur Ray of Arizon and who recently-(in October) caused the death of two and the injuries of 18 others. The followers were in a Sweat Lodge-a Native American cultural practice used for "cleansing the soul."
    Read http://www.Investigators Probe Arizona Sweat Lodge Deaths and check out also...http://www.Oprah and the Sweat Lodge Guru.

    I have never understood how people can fall for people like... James A. Ray, Jim Jones of the Guyana Islands and David Koresh of the Davidians in Waco. What is missing in these people's brains????? Is their an element or nutrient missing in their bodies that makes them more vulnerable to cult-like people like these???...and to be able to loosen up their wallets, bank accounts of thousands of dollars to them and to let themselves go, allowing a lack of control as to who they really are????? These same people carry themselves as if they were in a hypnotic and brain-washed state.

  13. Tacherrie, Thank God Plata had an attorney that really looked out for her client. Plata, based on the facts did commit a murder, but due to the Supreme Court could not be sentenced to the death penalty because of his mental retardation. Dr. Denkowsi, AKA Dr. Death violated ethics as to the APA and also pen-forced several inmates to die that should have served life sentences instead. Dr. Denkowski should DIE for what he did. I am anxious to see his professional license revoked and reading about his day in court so that he can answer to the allegations of his actions.

  14. @ Heather I also think that nobody thinks the same way. The saying "see each that as if was your last" can taken alot of ways special with someone with clinical depression. If newsman had gotten profesional help he would probaly know that.

  15. Hello class and Dr. Lehman I found this story on CNN and here is the link.

    When I first read the story I could not believe what I was reading but then I came to my senses because this happens more than what we want to think. A boy shot his father and friend (of the father) when he was 8, now he is 10 years old. The boy never said why he did the shooting but did claim that he was sorry for what he did. So it would be to my understanding that he knew right from wrong in this case. He will be recieving treatment up to the age of 18.

    I just wonder what was it that made this kid snap and shot his own father! Many people want to say its the TV, music, or video games but to be honest I dont think that is it. What was really going on in the home is the real question...


    I found this to be extremely interesting. This was before my time so I was unaware of it, but it is interesting. What I find even more interesting than he shot the pope, was that he had also previously served a sentence for killing a journalist. This man seems to flip-flop a lot. He claims to have killed the prominant leftist journalist for the press and then retracts. So while he's serving a life sentence, he escapes from prison just to shoot the pope 2 years later. I think I will try to look up more information and see his changing answers over the years. To look more into his mental state, he at one point claims to be the Massiah and that he would write the perfect gospel. After his release, he was taken to a military hospital where he was found to have "severe anti social personality disorder". I wonder what kind of doctors he saw and their credentials. I just found this interesting because he constantly changes his story and his guilt. Maybe it's his disorder?!

  17. To: Adrianna

    I think I must disagree with the age being 18 in all states. The law is so hard (as with many other fields) to have something so clear cut. It's a very gray line and sometimes multiple factors need to be considered. As much as I wish everything would be much more simple, sometimes if a 17 year old commits a heinous crime or multiple heinous crimes all while understanding what they did was wrong, should they still be treated as a juvenile? It's just so difficult sometimes. That's my opinion though. Another example is a young person accused of a sexual offense, should there be a chance that their record is swept clean after they turn 18? It's a tough decision to come to. Thank you for sharing!

    To: Tonya

    It is very disturbing when you encounter a story like that. It seems as though children who kill are getting younger and younger. I heard a story a few weeks back of some children who set a boy on fire because he "tattled" or was thought to have "tattled". I think I would like to read more of the case you posted, though it would be difficult since he is so young and all that information is sealed. Thank you for sharing!

  18. Wow, you all are off to a great start! Some great articles that you found. Let's keep it up. I am going to pull the article that Tacherrie idetntified because it's really an important issue of how data can be skewed. We'll talk further about that in class as we get into some of the data. The issues of youth and serious criminal acts is a very difficult one. At what age is a person responsible for his/her actions has never really been answered definitively. Most teens who do heinous crimes will be presented as an adult, but that is not necessarily going to fly with a judge. Kat, I'd like to see more on this fellow who shot the pope. Great job all of you.

  19. Following up on TaCherrie's article, read this article on the same case from Amnesty Int'l. It covers several of the issues we will discuss this week--reasons to fake, error of measurement, etc.

  20. Dr.Lehman, I read the article, but I haven't read the book. The writer lacks the responsibility of a public figure and perhaps failed to research depression and its outcomes when not treated properly. When a person is depressive and suicidal the person is in need of medical attention and may need continuancy of mental health care. Healthy Mental Health can not be bought and it should not be bought from a self help book. It seems like the writer is more on the reality of making money than advocating healthy mental health.

  21. Hi Tonya, I read your article, very interesting. The questions that comes to my mind are: Is the criminal thought process of a child is it similar to a grown up criminal or different and in what basis is different. The article does not mention if the child was being sexually or physically abuse,nor does mention if the child has any mental disabilities. One thing that I have concluded: Is impossible to place a criminal child with older criminals as a child is a child and is vulnerable in so many ways.

  22. Dr.Lehman I read an article regarding Polanski possible in absentia sentence and allowing Polanski to be under house arrest out in his Swiss chalet. At the same time I read another article also on CNN about a 13 year old that was sentence to life in prision because of rape. Obviously the justice system is blind when it comes to money. Mr.Polansky was 43 years old when he had sex with then 13 y/o girl. Obviously a 43y/o has more control over his testosterones desires than a child. My question is why justice seems to be blind when it comes to money vs.poverty. Mr.Polanski has made a joke of the American Judiciary system and it seems time and time again that the American Justice System shy away from giving harsh sentences to public rich figures. I found the article over Mr.Polanski at

  23. @ Nubia,

    I agree with you that this case against Roman Polanski is flawed in many ways. It was not handled properly back in the 1970s and now it seems like this will never get resolved, especially when he can keep "paying his way out." They have completely disregarded the victim in this case. Justice has not been served for her. She is now an adult and would like the case to be "tossed out." She does not want to relive the details of what happened. She would have had more of a chance to get past this traumatic experience, if this had been handled and resolved 30 years ago.


    This is a story about a 15-year-old boy, Michael Brewer, who was set on fire by three of his classmates. The three boys are 16 and 15-years-old and are being charged as adults with attempted murder. The three boys poured flammable liquid on Brewer and then lit him on fire.

    These boys are under 18, but are still going to be tried as adults. I do think that they were old enough to be aware of the consequences for their actions, but they also seem so young to be thrown in prison with older adults. Maybe there might be some underlying mental health issues that should be tested for. I do think these boys should be punished for the horrible thing they did, but punished to what degree?

  25. @Nubia, yes you make a great point about the difference in the brain processing of children vs. adults. Very good point. Research is definitely needed if it doesn't exist!

  26. @Kat, is that the story about the boys who set the Florida boy on fire over the video game? Can you imagine someone doing that?

  27. Dr. Lehman
    I was reading a newspaper article from yahoo news that I found to be interesting.
    The article titled “Bipolar diagnosis jumps in young children: study” talks about the increase number of children ages 2 to 5 are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and prescribed antipsychotic medications that are very powerful. Many believed that mood swing disorders are most likely found in adolescence and older people, but a child psychologist from Harvard University named Dr. Joseph Biederman argued that children could have this disorder at an early age.
    Dr. J. Biederman is known to be the leader or driving force of a 40-fold increase in the number of children that are diagnosed with the bipolar disorder and was accused by the Republican U.S. Senator Charles Grassley, in 2008, of failing to fully disclose payments by drug companies that include medication used for bipolar disorder. On the other hand, psychologist and publisher of Neurolnvestment, Harry Tracy, stated that there are other causes that can allow a toddler to produce similar symptoms; such as family dysfunctions or sexual abuse.
    Mark Olfson, professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbus University, in 2007 found that about 1.5 percent of children, between the ages of 2 to 5; that are privately insured received some sort of psychotropic drug. For example, if a child was diagnosed with bipolar disorder between the age of 2 and 5, about half of them are prescribed psychotropic drugs such as: Eli Lilly & Co’s Zyprexa, AstraZeneca Pic’s Seroquel and Johnson & Johnson’s Risperdal. Olfson believes that other intervention should take place before the medication is the choice. He suggested that there should be interventions with the parents or parent and child together. However, looking at his report the billing records plays a big role in the results.
    There is also a criminal case in Boston about a young 4 year old girl name Rebecca Riley, who died from an overdose of mood stabilizing medication in 2006. Her parents, Michael and Carolyn Riley are facing first-degree murder charges if found guilty of any wrongdoing.
    Rebecca Riley was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) when she was 30 months old, by a child psychiatrist name Kayoko Kifuji. Dr. Kifuji prescribed Rebecca depakote and clonidine to use for the bipolar disorder. However, Dr. Kifuji is cleared of any wrong doing by the grand jury and state’s licensing board, but the parents are accused of overmedicating Rebecca in order to subdue her. The parents stated that they were only following the doctor’s instructions. Nonetheless, this case has cause a debate on whether bipolar disorder can be diagnosed in children that are so young and prescribing medications that are so powerful.
    I agree with Olfson’s theory and findings. I have a nephew that is 9 years old, adopted into this family and he show signs of bipolar and ADHD. The psychologist will not give him that diagnosis because of his age and because it is too soon to pin point that that is his problem. He is, however, in therapy to correct his behavior.

  28. Adrianna I agree with you about the adult court charges to a juvenile. I believe that the older population in prison will corrupt these kids more and they will and have taken advantage of them. However, in our society the kids are out of control and committing adult crimes now. Who would ever imagine an 8 year old planning to kill his father and anybody else that is in the way. Not me, but it happened. I really do hope that the juvenile correctional centers are not taken away and replaced with adult like prison for these kids.

  29. Heather
    in July, 2009 three teenage boys meet a 9 year old boy named Joshua Judkins. The three teenagers only knew Joshua for only one day and the next day Joshua was set on fire by them. No charges will filed against these boys. This incident happened in Hammond, Indiana and has turned into a hate crime by others because Joshua is black and the three teenagers are white. I believe that these boys, due to their age, was experimenting and Joshua was a target for them because he was only 9. I refuse to look at color in this case until it is proven to be that. We are so quick to put blame on race these days. However, I totally disagree that these boys will not be charged for their wrongdoing. They set Joshua on fire and ran. You can find this article at
    If a case such as this is referred to me for an evaluation, I would have to make sure I am not biased and unjust. I have to also make sure my peers do not influence me to think otherwise. I say this because I am a black female and it is considered to be a hate crime. The same suggestion will go to a person that is white that is referred this case.


    This initial article states how an appeal against an execution in Texas was denied because the appeal time was past the court's normal closing time. The judge, Sharon Keller, did not accept electronic filings and subsequently stated she did not know Michael Richard's attorneys needed additional time to complete the filing because of computer issues. A number of organizations filed complaints against Sharon Keller, labeled as "Killer Keller". This was because lethal injection in Kentucky was being reviewed by the Supreme Court to see if it is considered cruel and unusual punishment.

    This article explains how Sharon Keller is allowed to continue presiding even though a district court stated her actions were "not exemplary".

    I agree with the first article that Judge Keller could have kept her courts open although she states the attorneys could have gone to another judge. All judges are required to abide by the same rules and that includes Ms. Keller. She closed her courts even though I know an attorney asking her to keep her courts open past normal closing time is not a usual occurence. Also, I am sure the attorneys emphasized the importance of filing this to the courts because failure to do so resulted in a man being executed.

    I can also understand if I was the family of the woman who was raped and murdered, I might be glad the appeal was not able to be filed. I do believe due process is something that should be followed because it prevents people questioning judgment if it can be shown all opportunities have been exhausted.

  31. Christine,

    Wow, what a great article! Parents facing murder charges because the doctor was found of no wrongdoing. I agree with Dr. Olson that other have to be tried before resorting to medication. There are too many children, as well as adults, I believe are overly medicated. 25 years ago many people were either not taking their family members to the doctor and/or doctors were not prescribing medications. True, new medications have been developed that aid in disorders but I also think some doctors use this as a crutch.

  32. Dewaski,

    I believe Dr. Mann's indictment fits the crime. He had his opportunity for due process and was denied his license being reinstated. Dr. Mann commited a horrible act by putting the car bomb on Dr. Pierce's car. This just shows the extent to which people will go to when they feel like they have been backed into a corner.

  33. Dewaski what a interesting article. I wonder if we can consider Dr. Mann a terrorist? On the other hand, I believe Dr. Mann has anger issues. It took him a long time and a great amount of money to get his license. I can only imagine the anger that has build up in Dr. Mann and the frustration when all the odds is against him. But to commit a crime such as the bombing, he needs to pay for the damage he has caused.

  34. Great posts from everyone. Some great articles you've found. The issue of children being overmedicated is critical and much discussed one. Diagnosing bipolar disorder is a very hot topic right now because there are many who believe it is being over diagnosed. This diagnosis carries some significant biochemical and heredity issues and should never be made lightly. If a person is truly bipolar, one of the risks is treatment compliance. Often when he/she feels good, he/she wants to stop the medication, which can cause serious symptoms to reoccur. Many of the patients I saw in the psychiatric emergency room at Parkland were bipolar patients who had quit taking medication. Keep up the good work. We have not as yet found a way to migrate this to eclass, so keep posting here.

  35. Dewaski,
    I agree as to what degree we should punish him at, but after overdosing so many people and placing a bomb by someone's car, I believe he needs to be charged to the highest degree possible. He also needs to be banned from getting his license if he were to ever get out of prison for these crimes. He does seem like a very disturbed man but at the same time he might just went off. Some people, after getting so angry, take it out on the wrong people.

  36. This article was very interesting to me, I hope you all find it the same.

    This article is about a Dr that was murdered. He was a Dr that performed abortions well into the third trimester. The guy that shot him confessed but they will not let him give his testimony because he wanted to say that he killed the Dr to save the babies. The judge wants nothing to be said about the abortions and does not want the case to be about that.

    My thought is even though they are doing these screenings on the jurors, everyone has their own opinion. The people that do not think abortions are right will always think that, and the ones that don't care either way I am sure still have a problem with having an abortion after the third trimester when the baby is forming. So I can see both sides that yes he did murder a man but the Dr was killing a bunch of babies. The irony also is that it was done at a church... Who is more wrong here? The man who does the abortions or the man who killed the Dr in a church?

  37. Dr.Lehman, I found an article on
    This is a great article as it talks about sex offenders and if the government has the right to keep them in Civil Commitment even after they served their sentences. The article goes about explainining that "Justice expressed some doubts about whether The State's duty to protect the public from dangerous individuals might twarp/jeopardize due process". As per Alan Dubois attorney for the federal prisioners he argues that is "wrong for the United States to claim a public safety argument when justifying continue incarceration". This article about sex offenders came out due to a case in the 70's in which a 13 year old boy was abducted and violently sexually assaulted repeatedly by a sex offender, the sex offender was about to get out of prison after serving his sentence, the child now an adult is an advocae for victims. When it comes to sexual offenders it should be viewed case by case as their horrendous acts against children emcompases a mental illness with no cure in which the offenders plans, hunts the victim, committ the sexual/and mental transgessions leaving their victims psychological scarred for life and in some cases killing their victims, its about having mental power over their victims, and this power perhaps is manifested in different levels and perhaps with different intensity: beginning with the thought, the planning, the hunt and ultimately the offense and at no single point the offender is able to stop and think the malice and the sickness of his thoughts and actions. Once in prison or rehab facilities, sexual predators are removed from whatever triggers their behavior, by not having that trigger they have good conduct. I strongly believe that the criminal justice system, and the federal goverment should have the responsibilities to protect the children/public from these violent predators, I strongly believe a child life is a price to high to pay when placing a sexual offender back in the streets. I think with sex offenders after the second offense and depending the degree of the offense they should have no rights to freedom as a child life should not be use as an experiment to see how sucessful therapy has been for some of these social monsters. When advocating for rights or freedom for special population it should be done with the knowledge and understanding of the human psyche and how twarp human behavior can be, we must also remember the victims as they suffer not only the violation of the body but also the violation of the mind and the self.

    Nubia Brede

  38. Hi Nicole, I read your Article is interesting as the judge does not want the case to be about abortion, thus the essence of the crime is base on abortion itself. Yes to people that are pro life the Dr.was killing babies, but that should give no one the reason to kill because we think our thoughts or ideas are the one that's morally or ethically right. The abortion doctor had a legal license to kill, there are legal procedures that could have been taken to challenge the extent of his license and argue what was morally and ethically right or wrong and at what point life begins.

    Nubia B.

  39. Christine I like your article about bi-polar disorder in children as I learned biporlar disorder has some hereditary components. According to the Bilogical Theory of Mood Disorders BD is caused by imbalances in certain neurotransmitters. I wonder if there are any blood test that could help diagnosed BD in children and adults. I think is easier to diagnosed Bipolar Disorder in teens as teens are more apted to voice their symptoms, a four year old child may feel certain symptoms, but may not be able to explain it and also less likely to understand it. I believe that treatment for BD in children should be based on counseling /therapy, educating and helping the child understand his diagnosis and its consequeces with or without medication(s). Medications for bipolar disorder in children should be the last course of action as there is hardly no research if any in the area of Bipolar Disorder in children and the use of long term medications in children and secondary long time effects as medication most likely will follow into adulthood. I think by educating children to have responsibility toward their diagnosis will empower the child to understand his diagnosis and the responsibilities that comes with such diagnosis, this in turn will help the child transition his diagnosis from childhood, adolescence and ultimately into adulthood.

    Nubia Brede

  40. Dr. Lehman,
    In regards to the CNN article, Moret actually does bring up some valid points to ponder, "What if you only had this one day to live? Who would you forgive? And also, who would you appologize to?" However, these are just VALID POINTS TO PONDER and not a curative vehicle for handling suicidal thinking! I believe that he was suicidal because he felt helpless and he felt hopeless. He got a bright idea that he could write a book and make millions. This gave him help for his financial problems and gave him hope for digging his way out. THAT WAS CATHARTIC TO HIM. But heaven forbid...I hope most of his readers wouldn't try to use those three questions as a basis for handeling their own grief.

  41. Nicole,
    Your article re: anti-abortion man shooting abortion doctor in church was compelling. I agree with your view of irony on the whole situation. And I believe that you're also correct in your belief that most people believe the way that they do and shooting the doctor that performs the abortions won't help the pro-life group's cause. There has to be a fundamental screw loose when, other than during a war, a person believes that they it's ok to kill someone in order to save a life! That's not only illogical, it's irrational. Good find.

  42. @ Christina I with you. I think it was way to soon for that child to be diagnosed with those disorders. Who knows those could stablize as the child gets older and if not then the child should be diagnosed.


    I found this article where a woman,Sluzalis, gets one year jail for fatality beating and stabbing a woman,Lisa Hoopes, to death during a argument about money that was drug related. During this argument Sluzalis claimed she was high on drugs an alcohol and two men joined the fight against Hoopes. As a result Sluzalis is serving a five year probation and 365 day in county jail that will be served as work-release program. However, one man received 12 years and plea agreement and the other man is serving 40 years for aggravated manslaughter.
    I think that its wrong that Sluzalis is getting a lighter sentence than the men because she was part of the original that was between her and Hoopes.

    For Nicole
    I agree with what you say about how people will not change their views on abortion. In addition, I can see why the judge did not want ti hear the case because the case would be about if abortion is wrong or not and not whether the man is guilty for killing a man.

    For Heather
    I agree with you that there might be mental illness among the teenagers. I also believed that they knew what they were doing, but they should be charged as juveniles. The reason is that they could get more help if they need to in the juvenile system and their experiences in the adult prison could have a negative affect on them.

  44. Hi All and Dr.Lehmann,
    I tried to find an interesting article about any pending phsychological assessment in the news and had a hard time finding one, however, the only one that comes to my mind that may soon be reported is the pshychological evaluation by the US. Military of Major Malik Hassan. Hassan a Palestinian born, muslim, US military officer and psychiatrist....(wow!!!what a combination)who plannned and executed the massacre at Ft. Hood may be evaluated by an independent psychiatrist in his defense. The hired consultant will have some interesting issues to consider if assigned to handle this evaluation.

  45. Here is my article for this week:,2933,583660,00.html

    This article is about a Pakistani man who beheaded his wife and plans to raise a battered-persons defense. Hassan fired his lawyer, who has been representing him for a year, in court on Friday and retained a new one.

    I have immediate personal biases that arise upon reading this case and I fully admit them. I have an extremely hard time believing a Muslim male would be suffering from "battered-person" syndrome. Whether my own biases have any merit is yet to be seen.

    However, I would assume this is a good game plan for his lawyer who can say that Hassan might not get a fair trial.

    I wonder if a psychologist will have an opportunity to assess Hassan since prosecutors are trying to bar any psychiatric defense.

    If I were the psychologist who examined Hassan, I would definitely assess him for malingering. I would also want to do an MMPI on him for possible faking bad and personality disorders.

    I am extremely skeptical over this case. Even if Hassan were battered by his wife, I have to question whether the intensity of the abuse would justify a beheading . Furthermore, she is physically smaller than him and while I admit it is certainly possible for her to inflict injury to him--I still come back to the method of beheading that he used. Although I am not a criminologist, I would have to logically assume that a beheading is very calculated and violently aggressive. If he'd shot her, I would have a much easier time believing him. But the physical act of beheading another person would require a very disengaged, psychopathic action.

  46. @Antonia, I'm very interested in where that case will end up as well. I imagine he will be assessed for his state of mind at the time of the offense--possibly an NGRI defense. In our society, I'm not sure if we have any convictions that we hold as strongly as some Muslims hold theirs. I don't intend for that statement to be derogatory, I only question if, as Americans, we would be more apt to find someone NGRI for this type of offense.

    @Ryan, Don't think I can add anything forensically relevant to your article but I guess it's a good thing Sluzalis wasn't in Texas--Karla Faye Tucker got the death penalty for being involved with the whole pickax murder while on drugs. Guess it's the difference between the pickax and the hammer...

    @Dewaski, the article you found was AMAZING! I think if I were the forensic psychologist assigned to Mann's case, he'd definitely go through a PCL-R (psychopathy assessement) and an MMPI-2. I'm sure there are others but my first reaction to this case review is that the man is a psychopath! Others brought up the terrorist idea and I agree. I would suppose defining someone as a terrorist is a legal issue rather than a psychological issue but I wonder if there are any psychological assessments surrounding this. I bring this up because I previously commented on Antonia's article about the Ft. Hood shootings. With increasing violent actions related to a person's culture (ie, Hindu in Mann's case and Muslim in the Ft. Hood case), how are we supposed to adequately assess and punish (if that's the case) these actions? I can see several psycho-legal type questions arising from this increasing form of violence.

    The perpetrators--how do we classify them? What is their state of mind at the time of the offense--is it different than normal? How can we predict this type of behavior from certain populations? And how do we do it without bias? When we have a white male youth who likes to torture animals, we call him high in psychopathy and likely to develop ASPD. No one claims bias here. So how do we create constructs to adequately assess possible extremists who do not share our normal cultural values and who resort to terroristic acts (ie bombing and beheading) to express their displeasure?

  47. I read a very disturbing article a few weeks ago that I have been following:

    This article was first presented to the world via You tube posting:

    In this webcam video a very pretty girl in partial disguise begins to inform men in the Detroit area that she has AIDS and she has given the disease to all of them. She talks about the different instances where she has encountered them. The whole tape was very disturbing. Not quite sure why someone would set out to infect people with a disease because they are angry.

    This video cause a statewide scare and a man hunt by the local Detroit Police to find and apprehend this lady in the video. People who thought they could figure out the identity of the mystery woman called local newspapers as well as sent pictures to local news stations.

  48. January 13, 2010. EDITOR'S UPDATE - has an UPDATE in the Aids girl case. For days, we've been showing you a video of the AIDS GIRL - a woman claiming to have AIDS, and claiming that she infected hundreds of men with the deadly virus.

    Well now Detroit police have confirmed that it was all a hoax.

    The police located the AIDS girl, a 23 year old woman named Jackie Brown and taken her into custody. Once in custody they forced her to take an AIDS test and determined that she was HIV negative.

    Police are determining whether to bring her up on charges for causing a health scare.

  49. Kassha there was a young man on youtube that had a list of young ladies that he had given AIDS to. He first gave a speech of how stupid ladies are and how easy it was to have sex with them. Then he pulled out paper with a list of names and he called them out on the video. The tape is distrubing as well and I wondered if the police found him. He had his face overed with a black mask, which made it hard to see who he was. People need to be very careful in these times. However, your article is an eye openner. Thanks for sharing.

  50. I found the following article about five murders in a small town in Texas:

    Maron Thomas killed five of his relatives, including decapitating the youngest victim, his two year old niece.

    According to his brother's widow, Maron Thomas was heard saying, "He was saying that all black women, all they do is put voodoo on people and that all white men are devils."

    According to the article, Thomas was arguing with his family about his brother, Cedric. It was also said Thomas was acting weird and out of character leading up to the shootings.

    There has to have been something that set Thomas off. But to decapitate a child is beyond me. This child was innocent. Since this Texas, I always wonder to what degree they are going to go with punishing this individual. i am sure some would want to go straight for the death penalty. I am sure more information will come out as the trial gets closer. How far do you think the punishment should go?

  51. I found this article written by a doctor of psychology who explains a little bit about the shootings at Ft. Hood and psychological background of the shooter, Hassan. There's a second article on this page also which is written from the view of a Psychiatrist, a very opinionative article but interesting nonetheless.

  52. Kasha -

    That is definitely a very interesting article about the 23 year old girl who claimed to have aids and listed all the people she had sex with. I would definitely consider that a health scare. Imagine the trauma that some people would go through thinking that they might have Aids. I definitely think that there should be some kind of charges pressed against this woman for doing what she did.

  53. Hey all! It's a little later than everyone's, but still here!

    I'm not sure if anyone else heard about this but I happened to be in Austin when I heard it come on TV. They were saying this 24 year-old went into the capitol asking to speak "to the woman in white." He was apparently denied and when he left, he fired off some shots outside the capitol. This caused a lock-down of the capitol and caused a great scare to all the people in, around, or outside the capitol.

    Here's a little bit more information and I even checked in to see if there was anything new to report, but the most recent thing was that Gov. Rick Perry declined at the idea of putting in metal detectors in the state capitol. Personally, I thought all government buildings had metal detectors and really tough security, especially when the building is the State Capitol.

  54. Phallon:

    Stories like this always throw me for a loop. I just wanna pick the mind of someone who could commit such an atrocious attack on people in your own family. Especially committing a crime as horrible as murder and decapitation to a 2 year old. To think, people always wonder why I don't like watching the news!


    Wow, that is horrible. I can't imagine scaring that many people. I think she should absolutely be brought up on charges. Even the father who claimed his son was in a balloon (which was found to be false) for media attention was brought up on charges. She should absolutely be brought up on charges for inciting a panic like that.

  55. This is a story on how a police officer wrongfully attacked a young black male. Click on the link to read more of the story

    This story reminded me of a friend I had long ago. The police that that he was involved in a robbery and shot him in his back as he was leaving. To many times police do this to not only persons of a different race but many young men in general.

  56. @ Jaclyn Alter

    I read you post about the young lady who wrote down all the people she had sex with and also had aids. I dont even know where to begin with that to be honest. First off, I think many young people now days are not taking the real meaning of sex anymore. So many people are just having "causal sex" with so many different people its sad. I think a person who does things like this really needs to see someone but also be put into jail because they are very destructive.

  57. I found this story interesting on Fox 4 news... A Collier teacher was arrested for neglecting her child. This teacher is held to a standard not just as a public servant but as a parent. Deputies stated that the teachers child was found wandering the streets. A stranger found the child wearing nothing but a dirty diaper,and thin shirt. When they found the parent she had reported she woke up around 11am and could not find her daughter. Now her kids have been taken from her custody and removed her from her teaching position.

    How can you not be aware that your small child has lingered off and you did not know she was gone until 11am the next morning. I mean do you think she should have a psychological evaluation done and have her child removed?

  58. Kassha,

    Unfortunately, things like this happen all the time but they only make the news or the newspapers sometimes. I see things like this everyday in my line of work. Some are just honest mistakes and others are just pure neglect. I am surprised however that it has affected her job. The information gained during this type of investigation is usually confidential and is probably only known because her children attends the same school where she teaches. Most places outside of CPS do not learn of things like this. I think this is one of the issues with out system. Parents of children who have been taken into state custody still teach and are around children in some ways because this information is so confidential. Most of the time, the person's employment is only made aware when the police are involved. I would love to read the story if you can post the link up.

  59. Bianca,
    I read about this case last night. The picture taken right after the incident happened is heartbreaking. Jordan Miles does not even look like himself. Sometimes the force used by police is warranted because they want to be safe and go home to their families. But in a situation like this, I can't help but wonder what additional information left out of the report led to these types of injuries. And to go to the degree of pulling his hair out is unbelievable. I hope Jordan Miles gets justice. He seems to be a decent student in school and out.

  60. Kassha -

    That is definitely an interesting story about the teacher's child wandering off down the street. I would definitely say that CPS should investigate her regarding this incident but I don't think that she should lose her job over this until something could be concluded regarding her own child.

    Funny enough, I have a story of when I was about 2 and my mom said I had managed to crawl out of my crib during nap time and make it all the way outside the house and started my trek down the street. My mom had no idea until a neighbor called and asked if she knew knew her daughter was walking down the street! So maybe it is completely possible that her child just wandered off and she had absolutely no idea, it happens, but it doesn't make her a terrinle person for it. I think all facts should be considered in her case and then addressed and handled, but I don't know if I would go as far as removing the child and firing her from her job.

  61. Hello Dr.Lehman and class,

    I found an article about in reference to the Flynn Effect. The article talks about the rate of I.Q increase by 9%. The reason this article is important, is because there is a case going on in Texas (Hall v Quarterman, 2008, 2009) And it could have huge effects on the life of the defendant. The debate going on now is rather or not to increase or decrease the current scores. I have posted the article on the increase of the score. The court case was crossed reference after I read another blog.

  62. Hey Kat,

    I read your article on the shooting at the State Capital. It does make you wonder what his mental state was at the time, and what where his tiggers. I also have to wonder what would have happend if there was a woman in white who came to see what he wanted. Very interesting to say the least.

  63. Hey Bianca,

    I read your story about the teenager that was beaten by the police. Its ashame the this type of behavior is still going on. I saw this alot when I lived in Philly. The police dept. Should hire Dr.Lehman to conduct thier fitness to return to work evaluations! clearly this officers have power issues that needs to be address like now!

  64. Hello Class, Dr.Lehman,

    I found this article about the sucide rate of young Vet jumping up to 26%

    The article speaks in reference to vets between the ages of 19-29 whom have recently left the military and who have most likely served in the Iraq or Afghanistan war. The V.A stated that they have brought on 6000 more Mental health professional to deal with the destressing of the vets before they leave service. The V.A also notes that they have a hard time of tracking the vets once they leave to follow up on them and thier mental status.

  65. Dewaski,

    That was a ridiculous punishment by that mother! She definitely needs to have an evaluation done to determine if there is any underlying mental illness. This is not a rational way to deal with any situation, all because of a bad grade?! And now she will be serving time in jail, and worse, she has traumatized her son. There is definitely something wrong with her and hopefully she will get the help that she needs while she is in jail.


    After reading a little bit more about the Flynn Effect, which is a very interesting theory, it appears as though the intelligence of people does increase with each generation. But it can be very controversial when it comes to IQ scores. The rate of increase in intelligence scores seems to vary from country to country. According to an article by Heylighen about the Flynn Effect (, "the increased complexity of life is likely to stimulate an increased complexity of mind." So in a sense, each generation is more "intelligent" than the last, but I think it has more to do with the ability to adapt than overall intelligence, or "smarts."


    In this article that I chose, this school teacher, Carla Hughes, violently killed the pregnant fiance of her lover. She was sentenced to life for this crime. There were several defense witnesses testifying about Hughes' character and how she was a kind, loving, mentor and teacher for the youth. But her good character does not outweigh the fact that she took two lives out of jealousy. There could be an underlying mental illness, or maybe she just "snapped," but this was not factored in before the sentencing. Instead, the defense lawyers decided to put all the blame on the victim's fiance, instead of trying to get Hughes the help that she most likely needs.

  67. Narahri
    it is really amazing how the miliary make everybody think that when our young people enlist that life is so grand, but it seems they suffer the most when they get out. Once they do their time, what is left for them to do?

  68. My articale for this weeks is from,
    Titled: Saudi girl to be beaten for having phone at school.

    We think we have it bad in America when a criminal is punished for committing a crime. Here in America our suspects go to jail and is sentenced according to their criminal act, but in Saudi Arabia a young 13 year old female has been sentenced to get a 90 lash flogging and two years in prison because (1) she brought a camara phone to school,(2) and assulted her teacher. I can infer the assult happened when the teacher caught the student with the phone and tried to take the camera phone from the student. However,one of the school rules banned camera phone use.

    The article stated that this punishment is to harsh and inhuman.It also stated that there needs to be some kind of intervention made immediately because the punishment is being pushed to take place in two days, which would be today 1/28/10. I will find the update to see if in fact this punishment took place or was there some kind of intervention.

  69. Dewaski
    That is really a bad decision that mother made on behalf of her child having to kill his hamster. I can infer that everytime he gets a bad grade the mother will find something for him to destroy. I can also infer that this child will grow up and introduce this to his children or he may break the cycle by seeking counseling for such neglect from his mother. That was a bad decision on her part. Very interesting article.

  70. @ Christine Williams

    I was reading your story about the little girl and I guess I have mixed feelings about this. 1) Cause yes here in America kids can get away with a lot of crap 2) Puishment for children here is not as harsh.

    I mean we can sit here and say she should not get beat for her actions but at the same time I can bet that little girl will never do what she did again either. We have to understand that in other countries their rules are way different than America by far.

  71. This story is about 6 students at a university who were charged in sorority hazing.

    You know when I read this I really was shocked. Because to be honest I thought that after some years ago after some young men were charged with hazing this would all stop. Dont get me wrong its nice to be able to join and to feel apart of a group but at what cost? It is worth me getting beat down for me to be able to join your group? I think that psychologist should sit down and talk with all these young ladies to try and understand why violence should be apart of sisterhood.

  72. Bianca
    I do know that other cultures are different from us and I do not shune what they do. I made a comparison between how we are punished to the way saudi arabia is punished. It is an article that I thought was very interesting. Now if our kids here in America get away with a lot of crap, it is because (1) no body wants to turn them in, (2) they paid a lawyer good money to get them out or(3) not enough evidence was presented.

    In the article there are many people that are trying to stop this girl from having such a harsh punishment. They are the ones that is saying the punishment is too harsh and inhuman. However, think you for your response and input. Read the article, it is very interesting.

  73. @ Bianca I also think that those young ladies need to see a psychologist about there sadist behavoir. The hazing was mainly the reason why I did not join a faternalty it is on unnecessary.

  74. Greetings all,
    You have again found a lot of really interesting articles. Psychological issues are all around us as are forensic ones. Trying to get inside the minds of the people who do very odd or violent behaviors--several in this week's posts is an important and often very difficult part of our business. A big issue is always personal freedom and privacy and the protection of people from violence. About 30 years ago a significant shift occurred in the way mentally ill people were treated. Since that time, unless someone could be clearly identified as being dangerous to themselves or others, they had a right to be schizophrenic, psychotic, etc. and not have their lives interfered with. Prior to that, if a person showed significant mental disorders they could be taken in for treatment. There is still debate over which is the best course.

  75. Greetings to the Forensic Psy. famliy,
    I believe that a person should be taken in for an evaluation. When they are left out in the society, they have an option of taking the medicine or not. If a person is mentally ill. they may not have a clear understanding on what is best for them psychologically. Many murders have been committed by people who stated they are hearing voices, which told them to commit crimes. I believe if you are able to take your medication and attend frequent assessments, one should not be left in society, unsupervised. Not all individuals are violent and should have the choice of leading an non-facilitated life.

  76. Greetings Dr Lehman and class,

    I would like to share this:

    Mansfield dad convicted of leaving son with psychotic wife | | Houston News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | Home by Associated Press
    Posted on January 30, 2010 at 2:49 PM

    FORT WORTH — A man was convicted Friday of leaving his one-year-old son alone with his psychotic wife who drowned the boy in their hot tub.
    Jurors deliberated about 30 minutes before convicting Michael Maxon of intentionally abandoning his son when he left their Mansfield house in 2006 to run errands. Maxon faces from two to 20 years in prison.

    According to testimony, doctors and relatives had warned him not to leave baby Alex alone with his wife because of her delusions, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported in Friday online editions.

    In 2008 a judge found Valeria Maxon innocent by reason of insanity. She was sent to a state mental hospital as required by law.
    She believed that her baby was the anti-Christ who would be torture before causing the Apocalypse.


    This is a story about a janitor of a church killing a priest over possibly his continuance of employment and has been hospitalized.

    So, if someone commits a crime that is an unreasonable response to a situation, is that person necessarily mentally imbalanced? Maybe he was afraid of losing his job at his age and not be able to find another one. Maybe he committed the crime knowing he could possible utilize the insanity defense.

  78. Christine

    I think American punishment is not as bad compared to other countries.It os my understanding that the Middle Eastern/Arab culture is all about tradition and because of that many of their laws and puishment reflects a different time era. I also think that it is interesting to see how long it takes for the Middle Eastern to fully adopt the western ideas for punishment.


    I believe that the father got what he deserve since he was warned not to leave his son alone with her. However, I would like to know if the wife was recieving treatment and if any of the relatives were helping the father out. I believe this is important since if a relative was helping out then baby Alex might have lived.


    I found this article about man, Fleet, who set a 5 month puppy on fire because he nipped at his two children. The father had the children hold the puppy while he rubbed alcohol on him then set fire to the puppy. John William Fleet III, 33, was arrested Friday at his home in the Oxford Circle section and charged with arson, cruelty to animals, endangering the welfare of a child, and other counts. On the same day of this trial Fleet has another trial for charges of aggravated assault and firearms counts.

    I think the children are going to need to see someone about what their father did and had them do. However, I am not surprised at the father did based on the previous counts he was charged on and going to trial for.


    This article is rather short so I'm reposting the contents here:

    WASHINGTON — A 25-year-old man has been sentenced to 61 years in prison for fatally shooting a landscaper over some grass clippings that landed on him as he was walking by.

    Lankward Harrington was found guilty of second-degree murder after he took the stand and admitted shooting Jose Villatoro on Oct. 16, 2006.

    D.C. Superior Court Judge Geoffrey Alprin sentenced Harrington on Thursday. The judge imposed a term far above voluntary sentencing guidelines because of the nature of the crime.

    The shooting occurred in broad daylight, and Harrington was arrested moments after the shooting, still carrying the gun.

    This was Harrington's second trial. The first one, in which Harrington used an insanity defense, ended in a mistrial. He didn't claim insanity in the second trial.

    I think this is an interesting article. I mainly posted it because of the fact that in trial #1 the man claimed NGRI and didn't in the second. I'm curious why not...

  81. @Ryan, I saw that article too. Kind of sick, huh? I agree the kids need some debriefing. That man needs some serious psychological exams. I'd start with the PCL-R!!!!


    This one hits a little close to home. It's about a Fort Worth man who is under suspicion for killing his roommate. He was caught driving intoxicated and also was in possession of a controlled substance. He was driving his roommate's car. They held him overnight and the next morning the police got a call that his roommate had not shown up for work. When they went to check on him, he'd been stabbed multiple times. The Fort Worth man, Rogilio Garcia Hernandez, had apparently admitted to stabbing him the night before after a heated argument. I suppose if nothing else, be very cautious if you decide to let someone live with you!

    Also, this is just a little extra side note for you internet junkies, as I am.

    People are using the internet and getting in trouble for it. A juror in Florida was using the internet to do his own research about the trial and that caused a mistrial. A woman in England actually asked Facebook how to vote! Now, in Dallas a man was terminated from a program because he had declared he was going to get drunk upon his graduation of the program. I just thought it was an interesting little tidbit to share and that I'm glad the CJ system is trying it's best to keep jurors impartial and doing their best to make sure people are getting the help they need or deserve.

  83. Ryan:

    I am just appalled at how people can treat animals. It is practically common knowledge that it is impossible to predict what an animal may do. If a puppy nips at your child, you decide whether you want to keep it still or give it away. Not douse it with alcohol and set it on fire. This man needs to be seriously evaluated.


    That is interesting. I am also curious as to why he wouldn't claim NGRI. Also, I'm even more curious as to what his previous trial was about and how long he's been living in his community.

  84. Some good articles again this week. One of the most interesting is that of the Mansfield man who left his child with a psychotic wife who killed the child. The issue of holding him responsible reflects some of the changes going on. If you recall the case from several years ago of the woman who killed several of her children due to being psychotic and the husband, who knew she had mental health problems did nothing. He was not charged.
    Take a look at Sunday's Dallas Morning News and Steve Blow's column on the hiring of Dallas County Deputies. I was the psychologist in that evaluation and his comments are really good ones. Keep up the good work!

  85. REMEMBER: The blog has now moved to eclass. It's under the course home. Look for class blog and click to open it up.
    Dr. Lehman
